Anne-Françoise LESUISSE (BE)

© Leatitia Bica

After an academic career and a Ph.D. at the University of Liège (B) in film studies, Anne-Françoise Lesuisse (1971) was appointed artistic director of BIP (Biennale de l'Image Possible). Since 2010, she has organised this event as well as other exhibitions in Belgium and abroad, in connection with it or as an independent curator (Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles in Paris; Nederlands FotoMuseum in Rotterdam; Meetfactory in Prague; Kommunale Galerie in Berlin; Galerie Emergent in Furnes; Hopstreet Gallery, Brussels,...) She teaches at the ESAL-Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Liège, at the ESA Saint-Luc Liège and coordinates the Master program in Photography at the KASK-School of Arts (Ghent). She supervises BIP's catalogues and publishes regularly on artists and contemporary visual arts issues.