Arnaud Eubelen EN


Intérieur avec vue, installation - 540 x 250 x 120 cm, 2017

Fenêtre, print on transparent film, 100 x 150 cm, 2016 / Vase, melted PVC pipe, 25 x 10 cm, 2016 / Recticel Sofa, fireproof Polyurethane backboard, 80 x 200 cm, 2016 / Rideau, aluminium rod and print on PVC banner, 140 x 220 cm, 2017


"All that the city has rejected, all it has lost, shunned, disdained, broken, this man catalogs and stores. He shifts through the archives of debauch, the junkyards of scrap. He creates order, makes an intelligent choice; like a miser hoarding treasure, he gathers the refuse that has been spit out by the god of Industry, to make of it objects of delight or utility."

Charles Baudelaire
Du Vin et du Haschisch, extract, 1851

(Translation by Stacy Diamond, 1996)