FR - EN 

Agnès GEOFFRAY (FR) - Verticales du désordre 

The exhibition follows on from Agnès Geoffray’s studies on gestures and their ambivalence. Like an iconographer, she explores and elaborates a record of postures, outcoming from multiple sources. From intimate to historical realms, she convenes the survival of gestures and of archetypal images, drawing upon heterogeneous, pictorial, medical and vernacular inventories. By analysis, constraint, balance, it is about revealing our relationship to the body, our relationship to the world.

Agnès Geoffray is committed to highlight the poetical and political dimensions enlightening these by the choreographic. Proceeding from the sign to the language, the exhibition emphasizes the potentialities of embodiment, of fragmented, contorted, erected and resilient bodies : stories of the body. An invitation to reconsider the gestures and postures surrounding us everyday, and to revisit our memory.
