Lerouflaquette Consortium (FR) - L'importance des choses inutiles
Flaquette Flaquette!
Let’s form here a consortium!
An exhibition as spectacular as a peebles race : sadomasochistic plants bumping on each other at moderate speed, plant-boats on a mild leeway, miniature sand-castles holder (MSCH) to win after a sweaty hard-work of tension and throwing, the fight of the century, with rooted evolution, started three month ago…Must the whole be related? Or I could, with discretion, make a written digression in order to tell you that you absolutely must not sweeten the pancakes if you don’t want to make a sourish ficelle picarde.
Good grief! If the sour cream ties up the ham with the mushrooms, how could you read the partition proposed by Lerouflaquette Consortium? This entity destined to economic failure?
Let’s check the side of idiocy. This notion for long time tied, trussed, weighted and thrown over a bridge… Well, idiocy deserves more attention. What can we learn from it? What does it tell about us? How could it help us?
Is it, maybe, an immense playground? Wherein everything that compose our world become hijacking material, where the seriousness leaves place to derision, poil aux pompons. The tree becomes sail, the vacuum-cleaner becomes racing-car, the sand-castel becomes an edifice to preserve, to proudly display above the fireplace.
What’s the point? Absolutely nothing.
That’s why we are gathering today, acting selflessly, just for fun.
Let’s enjoy it, it’s a present!
Lerouflaquette Consortium