Les Brasseurs - contemporary art is a structure that has been created in Liège (Belgium) in 1993 in order to promote contemporary creation through the organization of individual exhibitions cycles, thematic collective exhibitions, conferences, performances, lectures, concerts and editorial projects.
During twenty years, the project has been curated by Dominique Mathieu. In 2014, the project takes a new turn under the impulsion of its new team.
The team - Sarah Charlier (project manager), Corentin Lahaye (production) - intends to perpetuate the exigent work that has been previously achieved by the structure in its mission of promoting visual arts as well as to extend further and permanently to other art fields such as performance and more broadly living arts. Furthermore, the new team gives a great importance to the development of collaborations (exhibition projects, bilateral programs,..) with other structures in Belgium and abroad.
Another fundamental part of the project is based on the diffusion of emerging and artists and the related educative aspects.
The project is articulated around values that are crucial to us:
Authenticity. Convinced that compromise is the death of art, we engage ourselves to follow a path of honesty and selflessness.
Audacity. Because it is not enough to look at what has been done and to continue a tradition but to question in order to keep on moving forward intellectually, structurally and humanely.
Decompartmentalisation. In terms of genres, niches, shackles and stylistic trends as well as target audiences and venues. We will continue to build relationships with other organizations at home and abroad, more than ever promoting exchanges and collaborations.
Celebration. Resisting to morose, elitist, cynical postures and to the progressive disenchantment of a world held in hostage by the commercial sector, we claim a solar and generous philosophy, guaranteeing a conscious mind, fresh and vibrant, definitely non-conformist.
Research. Convinced that art, far from being confined to entertainment or to a social or merely economical value, must be a liberating path. We are committed to continually seek the chemistry between individuals, the development of fruitful alchemies, conveying illuminating visions, transformations of the self and the world.